Thursday, February 28, 2013

Incorporate This Advice To Meet Your Weight Loss Targets

By Marylin Bruender

If you change your lifestyle including diet, exercise and bad habits, you'll find that your weight will drop off and it will stay off. It sounds extreme, but if you're really dedicated to change you will find it comes a lot faster than you expected. Here are some ideas to help you on your journey:

Many times a restaurant will give you way too much food for a meal. If they let you, order off the kids menu. The portion that kids are served are really the amount that an adult should be eating. If they won't let you place the order, order your meal from the appetizer section.

To keep an eye on your weight while dining out, always order the salad instead of other appetizers, which will almost invariably be high in fat. If the salad contains high-fat items, such as bacon and cheese, ask for those to be omitted. Ask for the dressing to be served on the side, if they have no fat-free options. Dressing on the side is usually a good idea in any event, since you can dip your salad in the dressing and control how much of it you eat.

To lose weight, never eat in front of a screen. When you eat while on the computer or watching TV, you're paying attention to what's in front of you, not what's on your plate. Eat meals at a table and allow yourself to focus on what you're eating. If you're enjoying your food, you're more likely to be satisfied without over indulging.

If you have the urge to have a snack and you cannot fight it, have a handful of olives or walnuts or even some salmon. These foods will satisfy your need to snack, and they are really great for you. You will also feel full after eating some of these things.

Pump up your fiber consumption. You will feel full faster when eating foods with a higher fiber or water content. According to a study done at Penn State University, it was found that people who ate foods with a higher content of water or fiber, ate less than those who ate a similar meal with a lower content of water or fiber.

Rather than limiting your body to the pleasure of only three large meals per day, eat a series of smaller, healthy meals throughout the course of the day. Nutritionists recommend this option for most people whether they are hoping to lose weight or not. Frequent meals keep your body nourished and the regular intake of nutrients makes it unlikely that your body has a chance to feel extremely hungry, leading you to overeat.

Keep little packs and boxes filled with healthy snacks around your house and take some with you when you go out. Every time you crave for fast food or a snack, eat your little pack of dried fruits or nuts. This will provide you with a healthy alternative to unhealthy snacks.

It will be easier to accomplish your weight loss goals if you make a rule of never eating anything right out of the package it comes in. Divide snacks into healthy portions when you buy them. Repackage them into sandwich bags or plastic containers. This will encourage you to only eat a few of the snacks at a time.

If you find yourself feeling especially hungry and can't differentiate between a craving and actual, real hunger, try this trick: Instead of starting with whatever junk food you happen to be craving, head straight for the veggies or fiber-rich fruits. If you are truly hungry, these foods will satisfy your body's need for sustenance, and you will be filling your stomach with good, healthy foods.

As you can see, there is a lot more to weight loss than most people think. It requires a lot of work and patience but it will be worth it in the end to help yourself live healthier. By following the above tips, you are well on your way to getting the body you want.

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